Thursday, December 19, 2013

Phnom Penh is crazy!!!

     I wish I could capture the essence of Phnom Penh but it's impossible!!! People have to come and experience it themselves! I can just say that it is CRAZY!!

It is a super busy town, motorcycles, scooters, and tuk tuks are everywhere!!!

I thought traffic in San Salvador was bad but Phnom Penh for sure wins the medal!!! 
The streets are a mess! There are ginormous holes all over and you bounce from one to the next! Motorcycles (and even tuk tuks) go on the side walk when the light is red and if there is a gas station or open space all the bikes go there and make 30 extra bike lanes!!! It's crazy!

The pollution is really bad, maybe it is because of all the bikes! It is extremely dusty and if you don't wear a mask after 30 mins you will start coughing! (Trust me)

What I loved the most about our one hour + drive in traffic to Choeung Ek was that I got to see a lot of people, I loved to see different ways people used their bike for, such as for carrying bags and bags and bags of fruit and veggies, 4 queen size mattresses!!!!!!!, up to four children and an adult and the most impressive (after the mattresses) was FOUR full grown adults (well, Asian size but still... Four?!?!?)

The tuk tuks were also impressive some of them carried a gazillion tons of fabric rolls, boxes, and fruits! And also they put a platform on bikes and haul gas, eggs, fruits and veggies, and pretty much anything imaginable!!!

I also loved looking at their fashion (btw, zero sense of fashion over here!) most women used sandals and flip flops with thick socks and both men and women dress very casually as if nobody has to go to work which made me wonder what kind of jobs are available in Cambodia!!

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